Books Recommendations

Perhaps you have just found out you are pregnant and have no idea where to start! Or, you are on your third kid but you want a different brith than what you have experienced previously. Everyone you know and their Aunt Sally has opinions and stories they are pestering you with before you even ask, but you have no idea who and what to trust, and it’s overwhelming!

My hope is that through the extensive research I have done, and professional training I received to obtain my Doula certification, that my suggestions here hold some value and give you confidence that these books are well-reviewed and trustworthy sources of education for conception, pregnancy, labor, birth, postpartum & breastfeeding.

This list consists of books I have personally read - that cover a large range of information in easy-to-read and understand formats. Please note that even though many of these books lean towards facilitating low intervention births - They do contain clear information on medical pain management options with all their risk and benefit factors so that you can make the right decision for you and your baby.

Taking Charge of Your Fertility

This is a big book with TONS of information - geared towards fertility awareness method (Natural family planning) as a birth control method, for conception timing, or to gain a better understanding of your cycle for general health knowledge and awareness. Something I love about this book is the way its broken up into sections so that after the introduction the reader can skip directly to chapters applying to their personal needs - including sections dedicated to major cycle related syndromes like PCOS and more.

You can purchase this book HERE.

Expecting Better

This book may not be for everyone - but, if you have ever had questions about the status quo for pregnancy do’s & don’ts and want evidence based research to answers to those questions - then this book is packed with information and studies you’ll enjoy learning from and will feel empowered after reading, to make the right choices for you.

You can purchase this book HERE.

Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth

Ina May Gaskin is known as the “Mother of authentic midwifery”. She has an immense knowledge and trust of the birth process. The first section of this book is all kinds of birth stories - fast, slow, orgasmic, traumatic - all of it - giving an overview of the great variation on normal. The second portion of this book covers the essentials of birth - explaining the physical and emotional stages of labor and delivery along with the options and interventions you will encounter.

You can purchase this book HERE.

Natural Hospital Birth - The best of both worlds

Most women feel safest planning to give brith in a hospital but still desire to have an intervention free experience. If thats you, I highly recommend this book. It contains all the tips and tricks for natural and alternative comfort measures you can use even in the modern medical setting of a hospital.

You can purchase this book HERE.

Birth Without Fear

This book will help you face every trimester, every decision, every stage of labor, and every unexpected change without the fear - Because your body was made to do this. You birth, the way you choose - no judgement.

You can purchase this book HERE.

The Birth Partner

If there was one book you request your partner takes the time and read with you - this should be the one! Each section will educate from the perspective of what a birthing person may be feeling, how the partner can help, and how a Doula can be of additional support. This book covers in great detail the medical options and interventions (along with their respective side effects) available to you during labor and delivery - including how it may effect your baby. Written by Penny Simkin, A founder of DONA international.

You can purchase this book HERE.

Breastfeeding Made Simple

This book is a concise, easy to understand and thorough guide to breastfeeding. Covering first latch - to weaning, and broken up into the seven “laws” that help you understand and trust your body and your instincts. You will learn how to identify current or potential threats to a succesful breastfeeding journey. I promise you will find yourself reaching for this time and again through the duration of your breastfeeding relationship.

You can purchase this book HERE.

Postpartum Depression & Anxiety

Many women anticipate to experience PPD or PPA , But for many women experiencing the baby blues and beyond come as a shock. An excellent first line of defense is to be prepared. Reading this book ahead of time will help you identify early signs so that you can reach out for the support you will need. If you are already experiencing symptoms for either syndromes, this book is full of resources to help you navigate through the difficult journey.

You can purchase this book HERE.


Birth of Harper Frances