Third Trimester

The same number of weeks as the first & second trimester, and yet…somehow the third manages to simultaneously feel like the longest AND the shortest. So much anticipation and joy builds as you wonder when your baby will actually make it’s arrival - but you also have a long list of things you feel like you HAVE to get done before baby arrives, and that stresses you out (in our case my husband and I bought our first home, and moved into it only three weeks before my due date - so my list was extra long).

Third trimester symptoms

Personally, I did not experience many extreme third trimester symptoms. Exhaustion snuck back in, as well as some aching as my body stretched to its limits. Shin splints when I walked, and a bit of nausea toward the end of my pregnancy - but that’s about it.

It is so important to take the time to enjoy the last few weeks of your pregnancy - to marvel at how much your body has changed to nourish the little life inside of you. It is easy to get antsy and wish the time away, because you’re so uncomfortable and “over it”, but when you look back you will miss those kicks, wiggles and hick-ups (trust me!). Not to mention all of the free time to shower, cook, and clean. Treasure this trimester, and make the most of it . Your baby will be here before you know it.

Third Trimester To-Do list ideas:

  • Wash and organize baby clothes

  • Create a labor playlist(s)

  • Make freezer meals

  • Pack your hospital bag (even if you’re having a home birth, it’s good to have a bag packed in case of an emergency transfer)

  • Rest, rest, and more rest

  • Type up your birth plan

  • Sing to your baby - they can hear you and will recognize melodies when you sing to them outside of the womb

  • Buy a couple pairs of extra cozy sweatpants for postpartum

  • Make padsicles

  • Set up a few areas around your house with diapers, wipes, bum cream, burp rags, snacks & water bottles


Birth of Berkeley Bobbie


Second Trimester